EMPOWER: Distinguished Women's Panel
Wednesday, March 23 2022 at 6:00 PM EDT to
Wednesday, March 23 2022 at 8:00 PM EDT
Gatton Student Center - Senate Chamber (A268)
The Distinguished Women's Panel is an annual event that brings women leaders in to share their experiences and discuss leadership in the context of empowering women.
Panelists' bios can be found below:
Sheri Estill
Sheri worked in the corporate sector for 17 years specializing in management, coaching, and development of employees. She has taught adult literacy classes, welfare to work programs, and was her company’s coordinator/mentor for at-risk high school students.
Sheri started working for The Nest in 2009 in the Family Assistance Program, Community Engagement and is a Parenting Facilitator. She is a graduate of Spalding University and supports the Alzheimer’s Association of Greater Kentucky and Southern Indiana and is a volunteer reader for RadioEye. She enjoys reading, crafts, and music.
Hannah LeGris
Hannah LeGris is the councilmember for the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government’s 3rd District and was sworn into office in January 2021. As a councilmember, Hannah is a member of the General Government and Social Service and the Environmental Quality and Public Works committees. In addition to her role on standing committees within council, Hannah also serves on a number of 3rd District and LFUCG boards and commissions, including the Tree Board, Sister Cities Commission, Lexington Community Land Trust Board, and Downtown Lexington Management Board.
Personally and professionally, Hannah cares deeply about education, open communication, and getting people connected. In addition to her role on council, she works at the University of Kentucky in the Lewis Honors College helping undergraduate students explore career options and learn to engage meaningfully with their communities.
In her personal life, Hannah is an avid pedestrian and bicycle commuter. She lives in the Mentelle Park neighborhood, where she enjoys talking with her neighbors, writing, and walking dogs with her partner Andrew. She holds a B.A. in English from the College of Wooster and an M.A. in English from the University of Kentucky.
Adina Tatum
Adina Tatum is currently the Director of Operations at Julietta Market, a project of NoLi CDC. Since her position at Julietta, she has written an article for The Ziva Way inspiring women to step into their power. She has also been featured as a woman in leadership with the Girl Scouts. Prior to her work with Julietta Market, she worked for 14 years in the Bridal Industry, where she developed discernment of customers, colleagues, and supervisors. Working closely with the owner, she developed a love for business development. Increasing revenue by developing new business strategies fed her need for a challenge. This allows her to bring fresh perspective and ideas to a developing market. Already having an Associates in Arts, she returned to school to get her Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration. Adina has a passion for entrepreneurship. She is a franchisee with Jazzercise Inc. and spends her mornings teaching a high energy aerobics class. On the stage is where she feels most like herself. Growing up as an introvert, teaching Jazzercise has forced her out of her shell and allowed her to develop her interpersonal skills.
Born and raised in Lexington, Kentucky, Adina has faced many economic challenges. One lesson she has learned is that every choice has a consequence. You have the choice to choose the path for your life no matter where your starting point was.
JoEllen Wilhoite
JoEllen has more than 14 years of experience in business development, public relations and advertising through work in the equine industry, media advertising and her own media buying agency. In addition, she has worked closely with many nonprofit and service organizations, having served as an Operation Read tutor, a Court Appointed Special Advocate on the SAFY State Advisory Board, and as a long-term member of Bluegrass Crime Stoppers. Currently, she’s a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) service organization. JoEllen is also a published author of an interactive children’s safety book called Safety Safari